Folk Music

According to the Biologist, Man is the product of an evolutionary process. In early days of evolutionary discussions, bitter controversies existed on anatomical and physiological Man because the misconceptions had arisen in the past and they still arise from the wrong usages of the terms ‘Man’ and human in deciding the evolutionary origins.

Man differs from other living species on the grounds of his culture which means gradual training and refinement of mind, tastes and manners. The conditions of being trained and being refined, have varied from house to house, village to village, state to state and finally country to country and have become an interesting phenomena for diversified study. Folk Music is a very important and integral medium of culture, being a genuine document of rustic ways of life. It is a spontaneous depiction of the local culture and is a living art.

It is true that folk music is non-academic and less disciplined in form but then its perpetual expressions of joy, sorrow, traditions and beliefs, without losing their continuity, is a very edifying experience. The tribal melodies and the folk rhymes have partially been damaged owing to urban influences, and also, on account of the encroachment of film music. Today they need revitalization with new themes relating to sentiments and aspirations of the people in the existing social, political and economic conditions.

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NAD-SADHNA INSTITUTE FOR INDIAN MUSIC AND RESEARCH CENTRE is a place where researchers in music education, professionals in related fields, as well as undergraduate, post graduate and PhD scholars, students and enthusiasts, can get together in a virtual exchange of information and knowledge in the field of Music Education and Musical Performance. Besides, our purpose is to work in areas as diverse as academic research, music and sound production, exhibition services, and the delivery of cinematic, music, and arts events. Nad Sadhna was founded in 2010 and is based in Jaipur, the city better described as the cultural capital of the Country. Having dedicated study facilities, extensive holdings of published and unpublished materials (books, journal and newspaper articles, scores and recordings), collections of recorded music and an audio visual laboratory.