
Story of Natyashastra by Bharat Muni

When Satyug commenced after the end of Tretayug, the lord of heavens, Indra once went to Brahmaji and requested him to advise some such means of entertainment for gods, which should be audible as well as visual i.e. which may be heard as well as seen. Following the prayers by...Read more

“Musical Diversity – A Necessity In The World – An Enrichment To Society” by Mr. Einar Solbu

Tons of books and articles have been published in the course of the last decade on the effects of globalization. Some consider globalization the new opportunity for the world. Others deem globalization the end of it. In my view, globalization in itself - whatever it may be! - is neither...Read more

“Music Education in Indian Universities” by Prof. Indrani Chakravarti

Preamble Every society has its own way of living, a definite mode of thinking nothing and feeling. Thought thousands of year of experience, man has been able to develop a heritage of intelligible pattern of behaviour. Thus, culture emanates from society in interaction. Culture is the product of organised human...Read more

“Instrument making – Reconstruction of ancient musical instruments” by Shri. Sudhakar Bhat

Prefatory Remarks Although the great riches of our archaeological finds give fascinating and often rewarding glimpses of the musical instruments of our great cultural heritage, their true picture survives only in the treatises on music, provided the technicalities of their construction and handling described therein are correctly comprehended or appreciated....Read more

“Bandish On Instruments with Particular Reference to Sitar” by Pandit Arvind Parikh

INTRODUCTION : Bandish has been correctly defined as the mainstay or the backbone of any classical music performance, be it vocal or instrumental. Though my subject should confine itself to Bandish or gat-composition on instruments, it is necessary to refer to the importance and different dimensions of implications of Bandish in...Read more

“Bandish – A Perspective” – by Dr. Prabha Atre

Raag is an abstract concept in Indian music. Raag comes into being in a’ seed' form in a " creator's mind; but later on it keeps growing like a huge mighty tree maturing through contemplation, deep reflection and its actual presentation by its creator as well as by other artists...Read more

“Indian Music Abroad” By Vibhakar Baxi

This paper will seek to trace the evolution of the Indian music scene abroad, its interaction with foreign audiences and foreign music forms, its association and adaptation with the ethnic audiences which had come to reside abroad through migration or being born of migrant parents. The role of concert organizations...Read more

“Globalization and Indian Music : Role of Media” By Dr. N. Pattabhi Raman

Globalization is a term used to describe a process, which has made a great leap forward in recent times. It is not, however, a new process. Let me explain and place the matter in perspective. Travelers; trade between the subcontinent and other countries; rule of Hindu kings abroad and the...Read more
Support for a cause
Support for a cause

NAD-SADHNA INSTITUTE FOR INDIAN MUSIC AND RESEARCH CENTRE is a place where researchers in music education, professionals in related fields, as well as undergraduate, post graduate and PhD scholars, students and enthusiasts, can get together in a virtual exchange of information and knowledge in the field of Music Education and Musical Performance. Besides, our purpose is to work in areas as diverse as academic research, music and sound production, exhibition services, and the delivery of cinematic, music, and arts events. Nad Sadhna was founded in 2010 and is based in Jaipur, the city better described as the cultural capital of the Country. Having dedicated study facilities, extensive holdings of published and unpublished materials (books, journal and newspaper articles, scores and recordings), collections of recorded music and an audio visual laboratory.